Organic September is celebrated each year to encourage us all to consider buying organic produce. The main focus is on food produce, and education about what being 'organic' means.
As a business that uses the word for our own blended soil, what a great opportunity to talk about why.
The awareness month is organised by the Soil Association, who are passionate about the benefits of organic farming to our soil. They have some very clear guidance about the use of the word and what it might mean. This is useful for consumers as well as producers.
The Green Claims Code also has a section on using the word organic, and advice on making sure it is not misleading for customers. It is something we feel very strongly about, and wish to avoid.
The word 'organic' has a dictionary definition too. It can get quite a confusing issue.
How is Living Memorial Organic?
We use the word to describe our blended soil as it has a 'live' component of bacteria. Think of it like the fancy yogurts.
Our product is also 100% organic as it doesn't contain any non-natural or chemical additions. It is created and produced entirely from organic matter in the UK.
We support all those trying to clamp down on misleading or confusing marketing by companies claiming to be more environmentally friendly than they actually are.
One way we have tried to be as transparent as possible about our ethics is by joining the ESG Mark organisation, who make checks on their members. You can also find out more about how we operate on our ESG page.